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                Sichuan David Architectural Design Co., Ltd.

                四川省大卫建筑︾设计有限公司成立于2005年,由中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部批准成立的甲级综合性工程设计企业,由一批国家注册设计师组成的专业精英团队,其思维活跃、意识前卫、注重实际和诚信敬』业,具有多项▲工程设计资质: 建筑工程、装饰工程、照明工程、幕墙工程、轻钢工程、消防工程、燃气工程、市政工程、风景园林、城乡规划、造价咨询、文物保护、旅游规划、 岩土勘察。
                Sichuan David Architectural Design Co., Ltd. was found in 2005, the engineering design enterprise that approved by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China (MOHURD), has obtained the Class-A Integrated Qualification. The company constituted by a professional elite team involving a group of national registered designers, who are active thinking and forward-looking consciousness, with integrity, professionalism, pragmatic. Also, the company is in possession of a number of engineering design qualifications, including: Architectural Engineering Design, Architecture Decoration Engineering Design and Intelligent Building Design; Lighting Engineering; Landscape Design and Fire Control Facilities Engineering Design; as well as various of Municipal Engineering, Project Cost Consult and Design for Cultural Relics Protection Projects;  Tourism Planning and Design;  Geotechnical Investigation and Agriculture and Forestry Industry (Ecological Engineering of Agricultural Comprehensive Development); and Engineering Consulting Qualification of the NDRC (National Development and Reform Commission).

                U.S.A·State of New York
                David Int’l Construction & Design
                Consultation USA Corp

                David Int’l Construction & Design Consultation USA Corp

                David Int’l Construction & Design Consultation USA Corp, the engineering design enterprise is co-ervices for the owners in a wide range of fields such
                as architecture, urban, interior and landscape design; and integrate high-tech and new concept like green ecology, energy conservation and environmental
                protection into design, for the contribution of the innovation and sustainable development of Cities and Architecture in current China.

                founded by the overseas architects and Sichuan David Architectural Design Co., Ltd., and the office registered in New York, USA. The corporate
                objectiveis to introduce the international advanced design and planning concept and technology to China; and to be run to International Standards to
                provide high-quality s

                四川省大卫ζ 建筑设计有限公司是由一批国家注册设计师组成的专业精英团队,

                CORPORATE CULTURE